Updated Planning Submission
The Barnsley West led public consultation concluded on 28 May 2021. All comments were considered and analysed as part of our formal planning application submissions to the Council.
Since the original submission in July 2021, we have consulted further with local ward members, statutory consultees and council officers.
Following the formal public consultation and further engagement, we have proposed various changes and submitted an updated Environmental Statement, which sets out the likely environmental impacts of the scheme to Barnsley Council.
Barnsley Council have therefore begun their own public consultation ahead of the applications being heard at the Council’s Planning and Regulatory Board and residents have been notified by them on how to comment directly on the plans.
The updated scheme still aligns with the Barnsley West Masterplan Framework and incorporates the following changes:
- Reduction in number of homes from 1,760 to (up to) 1,560. The remainder of the local plan allocation (140 dwellings) is the subject of a separate pending planning application proposed by Countryside Properties (application reference: 2020/0977).
- Increased landscaping to help address landscape and visual concerns.
- Confirmation that 250 affordable homes will be provided on site.
- Modification to employment buildings, including reduced heights, increased separation distances, more landscaping and a green and grey colour palette for the buildings.
- To satisfy Council officer comments, the public house, restaurant, drive thru and hotel that were previously included in the employment scheme have been replaced with further employment space.
The overall site masterplan has been amended to reflect the above changes and illustrate the form of the development, including the retained and proposed landscape strategy.
Download Masterplan
The updated scheme is accompanied by a suite of updated drawings and reports, which can be seen on the Council’s website:
If you have any questions about our application, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please note that the content of the other pages on this website are superseded by the new submissions, accessed via the links above.