The Proposed Applications
Phase 1 Residential Development
Illustrative Masterplan
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Barnsley West is a unique development opportunity that plays a key part in meeting the significant housing and employment needs of Barnsley over the next 15-20 years.
The vision for Barnsley West is for a mixed use urban extension on land which integrates into urban Barnsley and the surrounding areas creating opportunity for people to live and work in a sustainable setting and location.
The development will provide a diverse range of supporting community facilities including a new school and local retail and leisure provision. The proposed community and retail hub will serve not only the proposed development but also the wider area. This will strengthen the existing local offer to the north of the site and create a new focus for community activities, services and facilities at the heart of the surrounding neighbourhoods.
A Western Gateway to Barnsley, the Claycliffe Link Road forms a spine running through the development and reaching to the M1 Motorway Junction 37. This road will form the primary vehicular access not only to serve the new development but also to create a Western Gateway to Barnsley from the motorway. A benefit of this will be that the Link Road will also divert traffic from Higham Common Road reducing conflicts between residents and HGVs in this area.
The Masterplan utilises the M1 Motorway frontage to grow the existing employment opportunities in the area. The southern employment land presents a frontage directly onto the motorway and grows from the existing Capitol Park development to the south of the motorway.
The intention is to integrate the Barnsley West development into the wider area and local communities. The masterplan therefore seeks to form connections and share uses with the surrounding neighbourhoods. Pedestrian and cycle routes within Barnsley West aim to link Pogmoor, Gawber and Redbrook to Barugh Green and Higham to enable direct movements for non- vehicular traffic.
The ambition for Barnsley West is to deliver a development which takes on board the highest standards of design and master-planning and in doing so work with existing local communities, primary schools, businesses, Barnsley MBC and a range of other stakeholders.